The phrase “site migration” is a bit of a misnomer because it can be interpreted differently. For seo marketing In Singapore, a migration is when you make significant changes to your website that may impact its search engine visibility. Migration moves your site from one location to another for developers and designers.

The truth is that they’re both correct. There’s a lot of overlap in what constitutes a site migration; these events can range from minor hosting changes to significant website redesigns. The key is that you’re dealing with a site migration if you need to migrate your website to a new location and redirect all of your previous web pages.

What is a Website Migration?

When a website migrates from one context to another, or when a website’s domain name changes, this is known as website migration. When a fundamental change to a site’s URL structure occurs, it’s referred to as migration in search engine optimisation in Singapore. Site migration changes a website’s location, platform, layout, content, architecture, or user experience.

Types of Website Migrations

  • Protocol change

Protocol change occurs when a website switches from HTTP to HTTPS. It’s been widely documented that running over HTTPS improves security, performance, SEO rankings, referral data, etc. A common mistake made by development teams is forgetting to update internal links.

  • Subdomain or subfolder change

When a firm decides to relocate ccTLDs to subdomains or subfolders, this is known as a subdomain or subfolder change.

  • Platform updates

Even if you aren’t switching platforms, you may need to transfer your website. Various platforms provide product improvements over time. Many of these updates are modest, consisting of minor new features, bug corrections, and other changes.

Other times, your platform may receive a substantial upgrade – even the most advanced technology needs significant updates from time to time. You may need to transfer your website from the old version of your platform to the new one when that time comes.

  • Top-level domain change

Domain name change occurs When a firm decides to rebrand, a domain name change is required. When a company decides to develop an international website for global exposure, it needs to alter its top-level domain name.

  • Site structure changes

Alterations to the site architecture that affect internal linking and URL structure are known as site structure changes. Internal links and even URL structure might be affected by redesigning your site’s architecture. 

Changes in site structure are the most difficult to implement and are the most likely to decrease traffic. Because you’re changing so many ‘things’ that Google considers ranking variables, they have the most impact on rankings, whether favourable or unfavourable.

  • Mobile setup change

Partial website migrations include switching to a mobile configuration, indexing applications, and developing a PWA website.