In the ever-evolving landscape of SEO Marketing Singapore, staying ahead of the curve is paramount. One of the challenges that marketers frequently encounter is keyword cannibalization. If left unchecked, it can negatively impact your SEO efforts and hinder your website’s visibility in search engine results. 

In This Article, We Will Explore Keyword Cannibalisation, How To Identify It, And Most Importantly, How To Eliminate It Effectively In 2023:

Understanding Keyword Cannibalization

Keyword cannibalization occurs when multiple pages on your website compete for the same keyword or keyword phrase in search engine results. This competition confuses search engines, making determining which page should rank for a particular keyword challenging. As a result, none of the pages rank as high as they should, potentially diminishing your overall SEO performance.

Why Keyword Cannibalization Matters in SEO Marketing in Singapore

In the competitive SEO landscape of Singapore, the last thing you want is to sabotage your own efforts inadvertently. Here’s why addressing keyword cannibalization is crucial:

  • Improved Ranking: 

Eliminating cannibalization ensures that each page targets a unique set of keywords, increasing the chances of higher rankings for each keyword.

  • Enhanced User Experience: 

Clearer, more focused content benefits your website visitors, making it easier for them to find what they’re looking for.

  • Optimized Click-Through Rates: 

When your content is not competing against itself, you can create more compelling meta titles and descriptions that entice users to click.

  • Better Authority and Trust: 

Addressing keyword cannibalization can improve your website’s authority, as search engines better understand your content’s relevance to specific keywords.

Identifying Keyword Cannibalization

To effectively eliminate keyword cannibalization, you must first identify instances of it on your website. Here’s how you can do that:

  • Review Your Content: 

Start by conducting a comprehensive review of all the content on your website. Look for overlapping topics and keywords.

  • Use SEO Tools: 

Tools like SEMrush, Ahrefs, and Moz can help you identify keyword cannibalization. They provide insights into which pages are ranking for the same keywords.

  • Check Google Search Console: 

Google Search Console can also be a valuable resource. It provides data on the keywords for which your website ranks and the pages that rank for those keywords.

Eliminating Keyword Cannibalization

Once you’ve identified instances of keyword cannibalization, it’s time to take action. Here are steps to effectively eliminate it:

  • Keyword Mapping: 

Create a comprehensive keyword map for your website. Assign specific keywords to each page, ensuring there is no overlap.

  • Merge or Redirect: 

If you find multiple pages covering similar topics, consider merging them into a single, comprehensive page. Alternatively, you can use 301 redirects to consolidate authority to a primary page.

  • Optimize On-Page SEO: 

Review and optimize the on-page SEO elements, including meta titles, meta descriptions, headers, and content, to ensure they align with the targeted keywords.

  • Create Unique Content: 

Ensure each page offers unique and valuable content that caters to the specific keyword it targets.

  • Update Internal Links: 

Review and update internal links within your content to direct users to the most relevant and authoritative pages.

  • Monitor and Test: 

Continuously monitor your website’s performance and conduct regular tests to ensure that keyword cannibalization does not resurface.


In Singapore’s dynamic realm of SEO marketing, staying vigilant about keyword cannibalization is essential for maintaining and improving your website’s search engine rankings. By understanding what keyword cannibalization is, identifying it using SEO tools, and taking proactive steps to eliminate it, you can ensure that your website’s visibility and performance continue to thrive in 2023.

Remember, addressing keyword cannibalization is not a one-time task but an ongoing process. Regularly review your content and keywords to stay on top of potential issues. By doing so, you’ll position your website for success in Singapore’s competitive world of SEO marketing.

For more insights into effective SEO strategies and services in Singapore, visit AUN Singapore. We offer comprehensive SEO Package Singapore, expert consultancy, and agency-level services to help you achieve your SEO goals in Singapore.