Once your site appears above competitors’ sites in search engines for terms relating to the items and services your firm offers, you can control your industry. As a result, website owners invest a significant amount of money and effort into the best seo company in Singapore

This can involve improving the readability of current pages for search engines, adding relevant and authoritative material, and boosting the number of inbound connections to your site from other traditional websites.

We go over five ways a poor host selection might harm your search engine rankings without considering the various hosting providers available.

Slow website speed 

If you go with a low-cost web hosting firm, your website may take longer to load for visitors. Aside from creating terrible client experiences, a slow site will be penalised by search engines, lowering your ranking in search results. Google has stated that the time it takes for a website to load is a significant component in determining the order in which sites appear in search engine results.

The best seo company in Singapore will have adequate networking infrastructure and won’t host too many sites on the same server, allowing your website to dash.

Website downtimes 

A site that doesn’t load is far worse than one that loads slowly. It provides a negative customer experience. When yours is down, potential customers will turn to your competition.

You can be sure that search engines will notice if your website is offline due to server troubles. If your site is frequently down, Google will flag it as untrustworthy, making it less likely to deliver the excellent customer service you offer. As a result, your website’s search engine rankings will suffer.

Database connection failures 

If you’ve ever tried to visit a website and received an “Internal Server Error” or “Database Connection Failed” warning, the site has trouble accessing the files it needs to display content to you. It could be a configuration issue, but it’s more likely that too many users are accessing a database simultaneously.

The best seo in Singapore has measures in place to prevent servers from becoming overburdened. Files are cached on different servers, and popular pages can be offloaded to reduce the number of database accesses.

Using shared hosting services with spammers

If you utilise shared hosting, your website will be hosted alongside hundreds or thousands of other websites on the same server. The IP address may be marked as malicious if these other websites are managed by spammers, scammers, or different criminal types.

Spammers will be kicked off of the best seo company in Singapore servers right away, reducing the chances of this happening.

Incorrect TLD

TLDs (top-level domains) are parts of a field that follow the dot, despite attempts to popularise other TLDs. Co, most consumers still expect your website to have a.com TLD. Using alternative TLDs makes your website more difficult to remember and may result in traffic loss.